Sunday 23 March 2014

Veronese: Magnificence in Renaissance Venice

Opening only four days ago, Veronese on a Saturday was busy but not heaving. A noticeably older crowd, who I seemed to tower over (I never tower over anyone as I'm only 5'5" (5'6" on a good day)) settled around favourite pieces. Being incredibly ignorant about Veronese and Italian Renaissance art generally, I felt a little out of my depth but the tiny booklet was interesting and the audio guide that my friend picked up, even better. The vast display if biblical scenes, women with heaving bosom and men in fur seemed at times a little repetitive but the colour of each piece was fabulous with blues and reds as bright as the day they were painted. The only real down side to this exhibition was that the huge canvases were closely spaced together, making it easy to tread on the feet of the people behind. The National Gallery seemed a little pushed for space with Strange Beauty running at the same time next door in the Sainsbury Wing. Overall, worth seeing and very informative for those wishing to be better educated in Italian Renaissance.

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